Headshot of Victoria Sosik. She has a light skin-tone, cropped blonde hair with curls, green eyes and denim jacket.
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Impact & UX Research: What Is It and How Do We Know We’ve Achieved It?

As UX researchers, we all want to have impact through our work, but how do we define research impact, and even more importantly show that our research led to meaningful change? In this talk, Victoria will delve into the topic of UX research impact, sharing a framework for thinking about and tracking different types of impact that we make. This framework will equip researchers with a vocabulary and actionable approach for setting impact goals for their work, tracking accomplishments, and communicating impact to others.

Friday, February 26, 2021
11:40 am-12:15 pm
35:00 Minutes
Getting in the Game: Driving Inclusive InnovationGetting in the Game: Driving Inclusive InnovationSenior UX Design Researcher
Inclusion 101: How Understanding Ability, Identity, Habits, and Preferences Can Enrich Your User ResearchInclusion 101: How understanding ability, identity, habits, and preferences can enrich your user researchAccessibility Design Lead/Consultant, Innovation Fellow