Headshot of Meg Pullis Robeling. She has a medium-light skin tone, short curly brown hair, and is wearing a black shirt.
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Setting Up a Research Repository That Will Actually Be Useful for Your Team

Research repositories are all the rage these days as UXR practices scale across large enterprises. They can be incredibly powerful tools that ultimately provide more dynamic and informed insights. However, they take proper planning to set up and are not an easy solution to all your research needs. This talk will cover strategies and watch-outs under the five keys for building a research repository – one that actually gets embraced by both stakeholders and researchers alike.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
6:00 pm-6:35 pm
35:00 Minutes
Resetting your Research Project, Practice or StrategyResetting your Research Project, Practice or StrategyTeam Lead (Google Classroom) and Staff UX Researcher
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to UX Research That LastsThe 5 Love Languages: The Secret to UX Research That LastsUX Group Manager