Headshot of Alba Vilamil. She has a medium-light skin tone, long brown hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a bright red shirt
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Dear Designers…We Need to Talk About Race: How Colorblind User Research Produces Racist Design

User research has a problem with race. Although designers create for a diverse, globalized world, their research practices are rooted in racial assumptions that have a long and ugly history. In this talk, Alba Villamil will discuss how taking a “colorblind” approach to research—minimizing the existence of race and racism—helps produce racist design. She will then describe research strategies and tools designers can use to produce more racially equitable work.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
12:20 pm-12:55 pm
35:00 Minutes
Demystifying Data AnalysisDemystifying Data AnalysisResearcher/Founder