Headshot of Will Mongue. He has a light skin tone and curly, brown hair. There is a bookshelf directly behind him.

Will Monge

Will works at Good Research, where he focuses on mixed methods and model accountability by applying data science, ethnography, and UX research methods. Previously, Will worked in the financial industry focusing on the risks of using models and data, where he led the development of tools for people to use data/predictions safely by understanding the strengths, limitations, and assumptions of the analysis. He can’t wait to share his experiences from working and serving as a technologist/consultant to large and small companies, privacy watchdogs, and regulators.

Vidhika BansalUX Group ManagerIntuit
Headshots of Jenny Lo and Will Monge, plus copies of each headshot arranged in a two by two grid
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In a world in which decision-makers increasingly want numbers to base or back their ...more
Friday, February 26, 2021
3:15 pm-3:50 pm
35:00 Min